Art Form And An Artist
by Ben Dover
published September 2016
Today I had the delightful experience of being
introduced to the artistic ability to a ten
year old girl who unfortunately I have never
met. I was taking some tests in a physician's
office, and noticed a model of an Aztec village
sitting on the table.
After enjoying the view, I asked the man who
was In reality the person who performed Xrays
where they found this marvelous artistic
model. He was proud to say his ten year old
daughter had copied it from a picture. After
hearing this, I mused about the structure and
looked closely at the various nuances included
and remarked, "This child has to be extremely
artistically endowed." He then pointed to some
rather unique wall hangings that included one
large message of congratulations for her dad. It
was made up of candy bar wrappers that were
used in rather unique and lengthy message of
congratulation for Father's day. I know she
loves her dad.
I was later shown some of the writings her
father kept in a small album, and realized that
just maybe some of the talent was passed on
from dad. Anyway, I am always looking for a
reason to applaud what I feel is a positive act
or verbal expression from a promising future
adult. I fervently hope this type of person will
inherit our land of opportunity and be allowed
to compete and perform in its arena.
It seems that in today's world we can find a
great number of justified reasons to add a little
personally devised criticism to our progeny.
We might also search for this other type of
truly demonstrated positively applied effort by
and on behalf of a youngster.
I have not had the privilege of meeting this
child, but hope I will do so some day. In my
opinion we will certainly hear about this child's
talent being exposed in some future manner
and form.
I might add that although I am not a talent
scout, and my credibility as a writer, musician,
physicist and simply a retired old man have
certainly become avidly prominent in my life,
I felt the need to bare my feelings for a little
ten year old girl I have yet to meet. All I can
add is my hope that she will find that opening
that allows her to become educated and possibly
prominent is some respect at a time in life
when it will be an asset.
Oh yes, I hope she and
you, the reader will have a nice day ...