by Ben Dover
published November 2016
We can find many reasons to celebrate this
month. Included are Thanksgiving day, Veterans
day, Election day and the end of daylight
saving time. The birthstone of the month is
the Topaz, and the flower of the month is the
Chrysanthemum. This month also separates
October and December. Now, wouldn't you
call that important?
The original celebration of Armistice Day
on November 11, included veterans from
world wars one and two. Since that time however,
many of those old veterans have passed
to the great beyond. It seems to me, also that
an Armistice is only as good as the integrity of
its signers. I guess that is enough said on that
We now have added veterans to include
those of recent actions. These conflicts
were termed police actions, and some other
designations not including the name, war. Men
and women died in Korea, Viet Nam, Desert
Storm and other places, but since war had not
been declared, these veterans had never been
classed as war heroes. Under new and existing
societal designations, heroes they are, and
must be considered as such.
In my humble opinion, "Any time a man
or woman is expected to put on a uniform,
pick up a weapon and become part of a fighting
force, who cares whether or not a war has
been declared? They are all equally defined
in my book as Heroes". Most of us who were
young at the time, were expected to devote a
part of our lives to the defense of our country,
and its way of life. Race, creed, religion
or sex had little to do with it. We all went, and
some of us came back. Yes, the term Veteran's
day is certainly appropriate and cherished by
those of us who were there. We are all part of
November 11, Veterans Day.
Let us not forget however, the importance
of Thanksgiving Day. It is without a doubt
one of the most important days to celebrate.
We, as Americans have inherited the gifts and
benevolence of our creator, and certainly owe
Him gratitude unending.
As an addition to
this celebration, but returning to the first day
of November, we might include one foreign
based holiday. "El dia de los muertos" or "day
of the dead", is celebrated in Mexico. Some
persons living here accede to celebrate some
of the foreign holidays as well.
Have a nice day ...