Hey! It's January of 2017
by Ben Dover
published January 2017
I will try my best to include a short dissertation regarding the month
of January, and if you read the entire piece, you will become much more
excited about what and why we are celebrating, I am sure.
The month of January, as might be true about all other months except
the month of August, has its own collection of celebrations. Some are
happy. Some are Holy. Some are truly unhappy as well. We members
of western society agree to celebrate, by naming a day in memory of
something that should be remembered on that day. I can't argue with this
premise, but feel certain recollections should not be limited to twenty
four hours of celebration. My feeling is that remembering should never
abate when certain memorial days are considered. I have included a
small listing of days that have been named for reasons mentioned, occurring
in the month of January. All dates shown are referenced in the
Julian Calendar except those referenced as Eastern Orthodox.
Jan. 1 Is our celebration of the New Year. (Football etc.)
Jan. 6 Is Catholic Epiphany (Birthday of the Church)
Jan. 7 Is the Orthodox Christmas (Gregorian Calendar)
Jan. 14 is Orthodox New Year (Gregorian Calendar)
Jan. 18 Is Martin Luther King Day
Jan. 20 is Inauguration Day (Yupp!)
Jan. 27 is the Memorial day of recollection for the Nazi Holocaust
Jan. 28 is the Chinese New Year (I can't pronounce that calendar)
I decided to do a little research on calendars, and then after I got into
the learning process I decided this was more sophisticated than an old
mind of eighty seven years could endure. There must be a listing of
twenty five or more calendars used by various peoples of the earth. The
calendar settled upon by the peoples of western society is known as the
Julian Calendar, and that is enough said about the matter.
Who could ask for anything more than the knowledge that one second
past twelve midnight on December 31st the new year will begin, and we
have titled it, 2017. It will last for a period of three hundred and sixty
five and one forth days.
So there. I'm going back to bed.
Have a nice day.