Best Birding in Texas is South Texas
by Keith Hackland (
published February 2016
photo credits: Steve Sinclair

Texas leads the United States and Canada in birding. Our
state has some 640 species on record. That count is governed
by the Texas Bird Records Committee, a group of experts who
are very careful before recognizing a new species to add to the
state list.
There have to be good photos and reports by reliable birders
who are known in the birder community.
It also does not normally include escaped (exotic, feral)
birds, even if they are breeding.
How Many and Where
The best birding in Texas is in
South Texas, along the coastal
wetlands and Rio Grande wetlands,
and adjoining areas. For
most of the coastal areas 75% of
the birds found in Texas use these
areas of South Texas, that is about
480 species.
Some of these 480 species are
full time residents, some part time
seasonal residents, while others
pass through as migrants. 338 species
are migrants, moving through
the area or wintering here. Some
147 species reside year round.
In United States there are 338
migratory bird species. Of these,
98%, are found in South Texas.
This makes South Texas of great
importance. It is an area where
species come and go, a canvas
of birds changing seasonally,
changing with weather variations,
changing with geography, and
changing with habitat.
Seasonal Changes
Seasonal changes are easily understood.
In the fall, migrants, neo
tropical species, return south to
their homes after nesting in U.S.
and Canada. They take their time,
using southern winds to help them
fly south, feeding on fall harvest
delicacies of fruit, grain, nuts, insects,
mammals and other birds.
Fall migration takes place from
June through December, though
the heaviest migration is August
through November, when hawk
watch takes place, counting raptor
migrants. This is done at Smith
Point and Sylvan Beach in South
East Texas, and at Hazel Bazemore
Park on the Coastal Bend outside
Corpus Christi. This latter count
point sees the highest counts.
There are three major migratory
flyways that lead birds into Texas:
Eastern Atlantic flyway (which
brings mainly land migrants),
Mississippi Flyway and Central
Flyway (which bring all migrants).
Two types of migrants cross Texas,
the circum Gulf (land) migrants
and the cross Gulf migrants. The
fourth North American flyway is
the Western Flyway, and some of
its birds also use Texas lands.
Large migrant species, such as
raptors and water birds follow
the land, meaning that when they
reach the Gulf of Mexico, they
turn west and follow the coast
around through Texas into Mexico
and continue south over land. Land
migrants are generally heavier
birds that do not have the ability to
fly across the Gulf of Mexico.
Some species fly at night, resting
up and eating during the day.
The day flying species take advantage
of thermals. Thermals are
columns of warm air rising off the
land. Birds use the columns as elevators,
allowing the rising air to
lift them thousands of feet into the
air. When they are high up they
leave the elevator and glide for
tens of miles, until they find another
thermal to ride up. Birds riding
on these air elevators do so in
flocks, called kettles. Kettles can
be seen from many miles away,
which is helpful to the birds who
are seeking them.
Smaller, lighter migrants, including
song birds, humming
birds, and shorebirds, have the
ability to fly right over the Gulf of
Mexico. They typically do this at
night, flying for up to 16 hours to
reach land, often covering around
800 miles. They depart from the
Gulf Coast at many points, preferring
land that reaches out into the
Gulf, generally in Texas the Barrier
Island at Galveston, Mustang,
and Padre. Spring migration is a
much more concentrated affair,
which sees song birds hurrying
through to reach their breeding grounds while insect life is at its
peak. Insects provide the essential
protein for nestlings. The raptors
move through first from mid-March
through late April. There
are hawk watch counts in South
East Texas at Sylvan Beach, and
in the Lower Rio Grande area at
Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State
Park, and at Santa Ana National
Widlife Refuge.
The song birds follow from
early April to the end of April in
South East Texas and continuing
to late May in the Lower Rio
Grande area. Since song birds
prefer to fly when they have a tail
wind, they tend to leave in concentrated
groups when conditions are
ideal. Researchers count migrants
as they fly overhead at night. They
use audio devices to record their
calls and then estimate the numbers
of calls. This is being done
in, and adjacent to, the Lower Rio
Grande Valley. At peak times at a
given point the number of calls recorded
indicates one million birds
per hour passing overhead. This is
the heaviest migration rate recorded
on earth.