Where To Find Butterflies In The LRGV
By Mary Beth Stowe
published September 2016

Guava Skipper

Banded Peacock
Blue Metalmark
The Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) isn't
just a hotbed of unique birds for the United
States, but for butterflies (and other critters) as
well! Just as birders flock to the Valley in hopes
of seeing lifers and rarities, the same holds true
for butterfly watchers who come in search of
Mexican butterflies that reach the northern
limits of their range here in south Texas, but
also in hopes of that rare stray that may wander
across the border!
Good butterflying is possible any time of
year in the Valley, but normally the best time is
October and November, with January and February
generally being the poorest.
This year the butterflying was particularly
good in July, after we had gotten significant
rainfall in June. Relatively large numbers of
otherwise rare species (like Banded Peacock
and Polydamus Swallowtail) were showing up,
and no less than three Erato Heliconians (normally
a mega-rarity) showed up simultaneously
at different locations! Even now in mid-August
(with 100° temperatures and no rain to
speak of), good butterflies are still showing up.
There are many excellent places to look for
butterflies, my favorite being the National Butterfly
Center in Mission: the gardens and native
habitats are extensive, and the new "experimental
gardens" in the "back yard" of the visitor
center are attracting some great butterflies!
Just recently we found Zilpa and Whitestriped
Longtails, Coyote Cloudywing, Mangrove
Buckeye, Dingy Purplewing, Manybanded
Daggerwing, and Guatemalan Cracker
among the more common Mexican Bluewings,
Tawny Emperors, and ever-present Queens and
large sulphurs!
Nearby Bentsen Rio Grande State Park also
has extensive butterfly gardens, not only near
the visitor's center but also at the Nature Center
and near Kingfisher Overlook. Over the
years Bentsen has hosted many rarities including
Blue-eyed Sailor, Ornythion Swallowtail,
and Common Banner. Rare hairstreaks have included
White and Yojoa Scrub, Marius, Strophius,
and even a super-rare Aquamarine! Many
butterfliers will check out the plantings along
Bentsen Palm Drive near Retama Village; on
one visit with friends we found a rare Ruddy
If you want to head out to Starr County looking
for Red-billed Pigeon and White-collared
Seedeater, the butterfly garden at Falcon State
Park is worth checking: some butterflies that
prefer a drier climate may be easier to find here, like Nysa Roadside Skipper and Desert
Checkered Skipper. Although they could potentially
show up anywhere, I"ve had several "one
and onlies" at this garden, including Curvewinged
Metalmark, Lacey's Scrub-Hairstreak,
and Green-backed Rubyeye.
The coastal areas host a handful of species
not normally seen inland: Resaca de la Palma
State Park is famous for its Blue Metalmarks,
Band-celled Sisters, Orange-barred Sulphurs,
and Boisduval's Yellows!
The Xami Hairstreak favors low-lying succulents
that can be found along Old Port Isabel
Road and Boca Chica Boulevard, and the Sabal
Palm Sanctuary also has a butterfly garden
where you might find Double-dotted and Obscure
Skippers. Definite Patch has been found
at the Palo Alto State Historic Site, and the gardens
near the visitor center at Laguna Atascosa
can also have Blue Metalmarks, along with
more widespread species.
Other good butterfly spots that I enjoy frequenting
include the Old Hidalgo Pumphouse, where I once had an Erato Heliconian, but also
more expected specialties like Julia Heliconian
and Cyna Blue. Further north, Edinburg Scenic
Wetlands is a great little place with extensive
gardens and can be a good place to find
the knock-out Guava Skipper. In Weslaco, both
Estero Llano Grande State Park and Frontera
Audubon Thicket have excellent butterfly gardens;
rarities that have shown up at Estero include
Common Bluevent and Dark Kite Swallowtail.
Frontera is famous for being a rare
bird trap, but strays such as Tailed Aguna and
the uncommon Teleus Longtail have shown up
Some of the other birding hotspots are also
good for butters, but require a little more walking;
these areas include Santa Ana NWR and
the Yturrias Tract of the Lower Rio Grande
Valley NWR (although I would encourage
taking a buddy if exploring this area, as it is
remote). The garden at 101 South 7th Place is
part of Alamo Inn B&B Gears and Tours; it has
107 species of butterflies and counting, including
specialties such as Polydamas Swallowtail
and Theona Checkerspot. We even had a super-rare
Orion Cecropia show up!
Wherever you choose to search for butterflies,
never forget to appreciate even the common,
widespread, and beautiful lepidoptera
that call the LRGV their home!

Mexican Bluewing
White Scrub Hairstreak