Make a Difference this Holiday Season!
published October 2016
Our Angel Tree Program provides holiday gifts of new clothing and toys to thousands of needy children (newborn- 12 years old) living in Hidalgo County.
Ways You Can Participate in our Angel Tree Program:
REFER PARENTS from needy households to our facility for registration. Registration will be by appointment at The Salvation Army (1600 N. 23rd St. McAllen, TX 78501) on October 10-14 and October 17-21.
ADOPT AN ANGEL(S). Once parents have registered their children, we create paper angels. Each paper angel represents a child and will contain their wish and needs list, age and gender. Community members can adopt angels (purchase gifts for a child) starting November 3. Unwrapped gifts are due to The Salvation Army by Dec. 2. Please call 956-682-1468 for more information about adopting angels.
VOLUNTEER! Help us sort toys and prepare for distribution days. We will need help on the following days: Nov. 22- 23; Dec. 6-9, 12-15. Please email or call Eloise at 956-682-1468 to sign up!