Bikers For Christ
Doing The Most Good
published April 2017
On March 8, 2017, The Salvation
Army of McAllen/Hidalgo
County received a donation of
seven adult bikes from the Bikers
for Christ. The bikes donated will
be used by The Salvation Army
Emergency Shelter guests who
need transportation. The Bikers
for Christ is a motorcycle ministry
chapter that primarily outreaches
to Motorcycle Clubs.
According to the motorcycle
ministry each chapter is required
to be active in their own church,
however their support extends to
Outcry in the Barrio and visits to
the homeless. "We are often in bars
and motorcycle rallies," says Robert
Toney, Elder of BFC McAllen.
"The Salvation Army follows our
own calling to the poor, the downtrodden
and the outcast. Some
wish to live within the sound of
chapel bells, but we want to run a
rescue shop within a yard of hell,"
adds Robert.
Social Services Director, Angela
Belton says "We are thankful for
the generous donations of bicycles for our shelter guests.
Thank you, Bikers for Christ, for
'Doing the Most Good'."
The Salvation Army of McAllen/
Hidalgo County works with men,
women, children and families experiencing
homelessness. It is the
only Emergency Shelter program
in Hidalgo County that can house
a complete family. Their objective
is to move these individuals and
families from crisis to stability
through emergency shelter.