Salvation Army McAllen Disaster Unit Responds With Much Needed Assistance
by Sadie Macias, Public Relations Coordinator
published September 2017

McAllen Disaster Relief Team
Left to Right:   Mark Teschler, Sadie Macias, Captain Stephen Correira, Marty Clem. They were deployed to Corpus Christi, Saturday afternoon 8/26/17
Several truckloads of emergency supplies including pallets of water, energy drinks, clean up kits and shelter supplies have been dispatched to strategic locations along the Texas coast. Seven Salvation Army mobile kitchens have been stocked and deployed to serve in the immediate aftermath of the storms landfall in the Corpus Christi area. An additional 32 mobile kitchens currently stationed in locations throughout the state are on emergency standby ready for deployment including The Salvation Army McAllen Disaster Relief Team.

"The Salvation Army mobile kitchens are one of the first response vehicles to arrive on the scene following a disaster. Our trained staff and volunteers will be ready with a hot meal, a snack and a cup of coffee or bottled water for first responders and survivors," said Alvin Migues, Emergency Disaster Services Director for The Salvation Army in Texas. "We pray that this simple meal delivered with a smile and words of encouragement will nourish and lift the spirits of those who come to us for help."

In addition to the fleet of mobile kitchens The Salvation Army in Texas also operates two field kitchens and a laundry unit that can be deployed as needed. The ability to wash and dry clothes can be of significant value to a survivor during a disaster particularly following extensive flooding.

"One unique aspect of Salvation Army Emergency Disaster response is the area of emotional and spiritual care," said Migues. "Salvation Army Officers (ordained ministers) and trained volunteers are available to listen to, counsel, and pray with survivors and first responders. This ministry continues to be an integral part of Salvation Army disaster service."

To make a financial donation to support the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts please go to www.helpsalvationarmy. org or call 1-800- SAL-ARMY.